티스토리 뷰



뚜비콩 2017. 9. 4. 09:38

1. Create a table


2. table rows --> tr

3. table data --> td

4. table headings --> th

th에 scope 속성을 넣을 수 있다.  (<th scope = "row(혹은 col)"></th>)


  1. row - this value makes it clear that the heading is for a row.
  2. col - this value makes it clear that the heading is for a column.

5. table borders

6. table head --> <thead></thead>

7. table footer --> <tfoot></tfoot>

[HTML Tables 요약]

  1. The <table> element creates a table.
  2. The <tr> element adds rows to a table.
  3. To add data to a row, you can use the <td> element.
  4. Table headings clarify the meaning of data. Headings are added with the <th> element.
  5. Table data can span columns using the colspan attribute.,
  6. Table data can span rows using the rowspan attribute.
  7. Tables can be split into three main sections: a head, a body, and a footer.
  8. A table's head is created with the <thead> element.
  9. A table's body is created with the <tbody> element.
  10. A table's footer is created with the <tfoot> element.
  11. All the CSS properties you learned about in this course can be applied to tables and their data.

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